Admin Admin Podcast #031 Show notes – Episode 11111

Number 31 is a prime number, Atomic number of gallium, Andromeda Galaxy and is 11111 in binary.

Has been having fun with godday and net bios names in UC/SAN certs:
Generate csr request in exchange 2007

Issues with invalided Certs due to wrong time, We discuss NTP in EP #013
NTPD in Linux – Use “ntpd -gc /etc/ntp.conf” to update the clock if the skew is very big.
Printer issues – We discuss if it better set a printer with a static IP address or dynamic

WordPress errors – syntax error  

“Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘<‘ in /home/clutec/public_html/wp-includes/taxonomy.php on line 4723″


Looking at deploying AWS machines via Ansible

Using Amazon AWS host as WordPress / Hosted database (RDS) in AWS  / S3
EC2 for serving
RDS for database
S3 for storage

Jerry went to a meetup/talk about VPCs – bascially the AWS networking model. Here are the slides

Using IMAPcopy to copy between IMAP mailboxes. Complicated by the fact that the IMAP server uses SSL/TLS, and imapcopy does not support this. Followed this article to use stunnel as a workaround

Removing exchange 2007 get stuck at 100%
Exchange 2016 preview is available 
321 Veeam bakup rule

Regular expressions – mainly day-to-day use with grep
and User Guide