Admin Admin Podcast #047 – Show Notes – Going It Alone

Al Went to this event – can you spot him!
Docker networking Video Series
What Jerry recommend as offsite backup: Crash Plan
Rackspace Lon5
Jerry WordPress X-Addon Plugin issue
Geekster Podcast
Podnuts Pro Podcast
Vim cheatsheat

Why would you?


  • As a contractor, you work for your own company who supplies services to the company you’re working for. They don’t have to pay for holidays/national insurance/pension, etc.
  • They take no risk – you often have to take out insurance as a contractor


  • The money is much better
  • “Tax efficiency”. Pay yourself a nominal salary that keeps you under the PAYE threshold
  • Pay yourself dividends, which are only subject to corporation tax
  • Pay VAT as a lump sum to HMRC on profits only – can claim it back on any business expenses
  • Business expenses also eat into profits, but lower profits mean a lower overall tax bill


Are you aware of Hacktoberfest? Contribute 4 Pull Requests to any github project (including documentation, unit tests or even *shock horror* code…) and get a T-Shirt and stickers.

It’s a great idea for getting people dipping their toes into using git, and potentially into contributing to open source projects.

I “won” it last year (as in, I completed my four PRs and got the T-Shirt and stickers), and I’m entered again for this year.

All the best,

Jon “The Nice Guy”